Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library

About the Special Collections

In 2010, the Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library began sorting, combining and evaluating collections that were stored in the basement of the dusty, dimly lit room of the Annex Building. 

Newly appointed Special Collections Curators were instructed to look for what could become an official “Special Collection”. Unfortunately, a few collections were destroyed due to water damage or extreme mounting issues. A few more collections have been added in recent years.

All of the special collections are unique and interesting.  One in particular is the 42-volume worldwide collection of Scouts on stamps.  It is said to be the largest and most complete collection of this topic and was put on display at the Rocky Mountain Stamp Show several years ago.

The special collections are located in the President’s office and can be viewed by members. For information about the Special Collections please contact the Special Collections Curator at

Special Collections at the RMPL

The following special collections are stored in the President’s office:

  1. Colorado Rompex Covers – 2 Volumes
  2. Cuba – Castro Era – 8 Volumes
  3. Cuba – First Day Covers – 22 Volumes
  4. Funny Looking Things – 5 Volumes
  5. Machine Cancellations – 8 Volumes
  6. Pharos – The Lighthouses of the World
  7. Portugal and Colonies – 1 Volume
  8. United Nations No. 1 (Stamps MNH) – 6 Volumes
  9. United Nations No.2 (Plate Blocks & Souvenir Sheets) – 11 Volumes
  10. United Nations No. 3 (World Heritage Booklets, Postcards, etc.) – 1 Volume
  11. British Strike Mail – 5 Volumes
  12. German Inflation Stamps – 11 Volumes
  13. Scouts On Stamps – 42 Volumes
  14. Expatriated Russian & Ukrainian Scouts – 1 Volume
  15. Sea Posts – 8 Volumes
  16. Jules Verne – 2 Volumes
  17. Masonic Lodge Covers – 100th Anniversary – 1 Volume

Under Review:

  1. Quartz Varieties – 1 Volume
  2. Circus Wagon Exhibit – 1 Volume


SPECIAL COLLECTION – Farley’s Follies – Several years after the inauguration of FDR, the U. S. Postmaster General James A. Farley announced that the Post Office Department would release a commemorative set of 10 stamps honoring National Parks.  Farley decided it would be a generous gesture to give friends and associates early copies of these stamps. He went to the printing office and obtained sheets before they were perforated and had the gum applied.  He then distributed these blocks and sheets and autographed them in many cases.  The philatelic community found out that while having purchased the perforated sets of National Parks, there were imperforated sets out there with a much higher value. 


Postmaster General Farley evidently didn’t realize that postal regulations prohibit any variations of a stamp issue.  Normally, the Post Office would try to recover these stamps and destroy them.  This would have been impossible.  Instead, they agreed to issue a special printing of “the imperforated “Farley” type sheets and blocks for a three-month period in 1935. 


This collection was donated to the Library by Robert Anderson. 

Also in the Special Collections

Denmark’s Wavy Line Design View the exhibit PDF